January 2006

Q: Hi, how many people can I bring to the reunion? [8/1/06]
A: There's not really any limit. Guests and partners are welcome. If you ask for too many tickets we'll tell you.

Q: Who's going? (any teachers?) [12/1/06]
A: Well, that would be telling, not knowing is all part of the fun. What I can say is that we have a wide range of ex pupils and their guests and many ex / current teachers and their guests. The best way to find out is to come along on the night.

Q: Have you sold many tickets? [22/1/06] yes!
A: Yes, and if we keep selling them at the same rate we'll sell them all!
PS: For those thinking it will be like Roy's reunion from Coronation Street it wont be! (only Roy and one other turned up!).

Q: How many people will be there? [22/1/06]
A: Can I just say you wont be there by yourself - there are lots of people who you spent five years at school with coming. If one fifth of the 124 pupils come (25) and one fifth of the 60 teacher's (11) there would be 36 (obviously). But... most people are bringing a guest so that makes over 70! We've already got more than one fifth of PUPILS coming so... (I'm giving too much away, but you get the idea).

Q: What will the £7 be spent on (a free bar?) [24/1/06]
A: We are spending all of the money on food and bar snacks. The hot and cold buffet at the Sea Hotel is always excellent and there will be a wide selection to suit all tastes. There will be 80's music / disco and hopefully a video wall too! The people organising the reunion have all paid full price for their own tickets and for their partners. Oh, and there's no free bar but if I see you I'll buy you a drink just for asking (but don't everyone ask, each question is only posted once).

Q: Is there a free bar? [24/1/06] no!
A: How did this question get through?

Q: I think the site is great. When will you have more photos? [27/1/06]
A: I'm constantly finding photos from different sources (but still need more so send them if you have any, we'll return them to you). The problem is that this is not my full time job (although you would think it was). There were no digital cameras in 1986 so each photo has to be scanned. I'm even cleaning photos first, scanning them in at a very high resolution then scaling them down to get the best possible results. Each photo takes anywhere from 2 minutes to two hours (for the teacher photo). Anyway - I'll answer your question now... I'll be adding at least twenty photos a fortnight by the middle of March.

Thanks! Comment: Just to say I loved the website (but hated seeing my self!). Still, it did bring back good memories (and I was much younger!). Happy days.. [29/1/06]
Reply: Thanks - it's nice to hear you enjoyed the website. Don't forget to tell others please.

Q: How can I buy a ticket? [29/1/06]
A: Click on the "News & Tickets" button on the left to find out. If you send a cheque to the address shown (which is a registered business) we will post tickets out to you. Alternately if you would rather pay cash and have someone hand you the ticket(s) we will actually call round to see you at no extra charge! If you want hand delivery contact us to arrange it.


Q: This website is really brilliant and super fantastic. It's the best I've ever seen! (and not just 'cos I'm on it). Who did it? [5/2/06] Thanks!
A: Well, first, if I'm honest I've slightly exaggerated this question. A member of the so-called "Reunion Committee" did it (at no charge I might add) in their spare time. I'm not giving too much away but I should be in line for a special award on the night for the hours and hours I've put into it. Come along and you'll find out. By the way, my rates are excellent for paying customers and I've only done a basic FREE site here (paying customers get a really good website).

Q: Which teachers on the photo are still alive? [10/2/06]
A: That's a good question. The answer is I'm not sure. From what I know only two teachers are still at Whitburn and they both teach PE. Many others still teach at other schools and many have retired (although not that long ago which makes me feel a bit younger). I was thinking of doing a "in memory of" section where we could list those no longer with us but I'm not sure. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Let me know...

Q: Could you do a "Then and Now" photo section? [12/2/06] yes!
A: Yes we could, but I notice you didn't send a current photo! This is something many people have suggested but I can tell you one thing, getting hold of photos is not easy. That's not because people don't have any, it's because they don't want 1000's of people looking at them! Take Friends Reunited for example, how many people have posted a photo on their record (of themselves and not some default cartoon?). Anyway... I'm hoping to get lots of photos at the reunion and we can then make a "Then and Now" gallery on this website.

Q: How long will this website run for? [12/2/06]
A: Well, I do intend to do a massive update after the reunion as we'll have lots of photos and stories (of who kissed who in the cloakroom) etc. After that we'll just have to see what the interest is like.

I'm happy! *WEBMASTER* On a post dated 10/2/06 someone asked which teachers are still alive? Well now we know the answer - most of them! On Thursday 2nd March (sorry, this originally said 23rd Feb) we are uploading a new page with individual photos of each teacher along with what they are doing now. You will really like this page...

I'm happy! *WEBMASTER* The "What do they do now" page is live. VIEW IT HERE!

Q: I used to go to Whitburn Comp but was in the year below you lot. Can I come to the reunion? [15/2/06]
A: This is a tricky one. If you are a guest of someone in the '86 leavers year then yes. How will we know? We won't really, but we only have a certain number of tickets and want to give as many '86 leavers as possible first crack. If we have any spare tickets by the middle of April we will gladly welcome others who were one or two years above or below us.

Q: What time is last orders on the night? [17/2/06]
A: Good question. At least 11pm. I'll check and post an update on this page soon. I'll also update the reunion information page so everyone knows.

Q: I don't have a cheque book. How can I buy tickets? [28/2/06] Thanks!
A: This is not a problem (cash will do nicely). Just contact us and we'll arrange to drop some tickets off for you. We can visit you at home or at work. We've done this for a few people now and its actually the fastest way to get your tickets.

MARCH 2006

Q: Can I bring my sister?  She wasn't in our year but really wants to come? [1/3/06] yes! yes! yes!
A: Someone else asked a similar question [Post 15/2/06]. You can bring anyone (within reason) as your guest and if they went to Whitburn Comp then they probably know many of the people who will be there. However we need the NAME of anyone who buys a ticket so we can enter them into the raffle on the night. This also helps us make sure most tickets go to '86 leavers.

Thanks! Comment from "kev": How about whitburn infants with the same kids, I was there!! Love the site!! christ!, I have hair!!! see you at the reunion depends on snow??? Seeing us in the pics IS very scary.

Reply: Thanks Kev, don't worry about the snow though - the reunion's indoors! (and snow in May?).

Thanks! Comment from "Johnny Stevenson": Hi all, I'm looking forward to seeing those who turn up, should be a laugh (especially if some of the teachers turn up!). [1/3/06]
Reply: Thanks Johnny, plenty of ex pupils will be there and we are sure some teachers will be there too. We have spoken to many of them and a few have helped with this site.

Q: I have noticed that my form class (not sure which teacher we had) is not on the website. Have you any plans to put this on, or are you relying on someone sending this to you? This has bought back some memories, but sure happy ones, can't believe it has been 20 years since I left school, good luck with everything - you are doing a wonderful job! [10/3/06]
A: yes! Yes and Yes. We are missing one form class photo and hope someone will send us a scan of it. Thanks for your kind comments about the website - hope to see you at the reunion.

Thanks! Comment: Hi - just to say thanks for sending the tickets so quickly. All (six) of us are looking forward to the night. I've told a few other people who are interested so there might be more sales on the way. [16/3/06]
Reply: Our pleasure and thanks for passing the word around.

I'm happy! *WEBMASTER* On Saturday 18th March I saw some ex Whitburners who had been in touch via this website in a bar in South Shields (lads). I mentioned that quite a few people (most actually) were bringing their partners to the reunion. This led to an increased order of tickets. These very people ordered twice as many - possibly in fear of what would happen to them if their partners found out what a great time they had while they stayed at home!

Q: What the best way to get tickets? [19/3/06]
A: Some people are so keen to buy tickets they don't even have time to read the notice board - but we don't mind - we are "happy to help" (and happy to sell more tickets). The easiest way to get tickets is to send a cheque for (nr Tickets x £7) to our official sponsors business address. Click here now to go to the page that gives exact details about what you need to do. You can also contact us and give us your address and time that you will be home and we can hand deliver your tickets at no extra cost.

APRIL 2006


I'm happy! *WEBMASTER* On Friday 7th April I hand delivered 13 tickets to three sets of people. I often see two of these people but I hadn't seen the third couple for 20 years! We had a little reunion right there and then. It was really nice to see them again and this gave me an insight into how good the actual reunion will be.

Thanks! Comment: It was great to read your "What do they do now" page to see what our old teachers are up to. I also really liked the group photos of the teachers - just how I remembered them! [08/04/06]
Reply: Thanks - it took ages to create all those pages and we're pleased they are proving to be so popular.

Q: Can you pay on the night? [09/04/06]
A: yes!Yes you can. The reason we wanted to use mainly tickets is so we knew numbers for the buffet. However, we understand that some people might not know if they can make it until a few days before the event. Tickets on the night cost £7 - the same as pre-ordered tickets (what a good deal Eh!).

Q: How many tickets have you sold? [11/04/06]
A: Someone asked the same question [22/01/06] but this time I'll give a slightly different answer. "More than twice as many as we had in January".

Q: Are there any teachers going? If so which ones? [11/04/06]
A: Twice as many as there was when someone else asked in January. If we told you who there would be no surprise and that's all part of the reunion

Q: Sadly I cant make the reunion - are you doing any profiles for those of us that are absent? [14/04/06]
A: Simon, I'm not sure what you mean by "profiles". There will no doubt be many photos taken at the reunion and they will be posted on this web site at the end of May.

Q: Thanks for dropping our tickets off - we're both really looking forward to the reunion. [17/04/06]
A: You're welcome - if the other people you mention need some more just let us know.

MAY 2006


Q: Do you want any photos bringing on the night or have you got plenty? [02/05/06]
A: yes!Some people are bringing photos on the night as we have a "photo wall", but we recommend that you pick the best dozen photos and get them colour copied so you don't have to worry about getting them back in one piece. We aren't even using originals so we don't need to worry about them (perhaps) going missing.

Q: Are we going to be supplied with name badges so we know who's who? [02/05/06]
A: yes!You will get name badges. We are doing different colours. One colour for ex pupils and one colour for their partner or guest.

Q: How many tickets have you sold? [02/05/06]
A: Those of you who have been keeping up with this notice board will know Iv'e been coy about giving an answer. What I can say is that the recent press release generated lots of interest and we are expecting around 70 people (plus little helpers) there on the night. Update [07/05/06]: As it happens there were 78 people there - not a bad guess!

Q: Are there any teachers going? If so which ones? [02/05/06]
A: You will just have to wait until the night and if you haven't purchased your ticket yet you wont get to meet them all again if there are any teachers going (-:

Thanks! Comment: Hope you will be able to keep in touch. Had a fab night last night, we should all get together again for a night out. Thanks again for all your hard work I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who organised this - it brought back many happy memories. Cheers guys. Clare Wilson. [07/05/06].
Reply: Thanks Clare, we hope to organise another event in the future and everyone said they wanted to keep in touch (so if anyone is having a BBQ this summer let us know and we'll contact people for you).

Thanks! Comment: Just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who organised this. Had a great night and brought back many happy memories. Cheers guys. Lynn Gargett [07/05/06].
Reply: Thanks Lynn - it was great to see you.

Thanks! Comment: Just to say a big 'THANK YOU' to the reunion committee for all your time and effort in organising the reunion it was a great night. Brilliant to see everyone again and I hope will encourage people to keep in touch a bit more. Annette McKie. [08/05/06].
Reply: Thanks Annette. We are hoping that people will stay in touch. It's what all the other posts are asking for and if people actually do it (we know they mean it but will they get round to doing it) there should be plenty to keep our diaries full. See you soon.

Thanks! Comment: David, Julie, Barbara, and Paul (and all the other unknown helpers the children) thanks for what was a fantastic evening, it was without a doubt an evening I shall not forget for a while. I heard before I left there is an informal evening, if you have any ideas on when that may be (this year next year) please let me know as I would dearly like my wife to join the next meet to see my old friends from school. Thanks and look I forward to meeting you all again soon. Luke Hoggarth. [08/05/06 @ 11:57am].
Reply: Thanks Luke, as you'll see from above, we are hoping people will stay in touch and we would expect an invite when someone has a party. I don't know anything about an informal night but it sounds good to me (and easier to organise!!!). Just for the record, Paul Curry was also on the reunion team and the helpers were Barbara Weightmans daughter and two of her school friends. They actually attend Whitburn CE (as it is called now) so their uniforms where not for show).

Thanks! Comment: OMG I cant believe I missed the night! I hope you all had a great time sorry to have missed you all. Well done the people who organised it. Steve Nicholaidis. [08/05/06].
Reply: Steve, I know you knew about the reunion, it would have been great to see you there. We'll have to have a beer over the summer months. And the answer to your other question is yes (but would that stop me? (-:).

Thanks! Comment: Thank you reunion team for a fantastic evening, I really enjoyed stepping back in time for the night. Hope to keep in touch with one or two people. Best Regards to you all. Luke Hoggarth. [08/05/06 @ 5:00pm].
Reply: Thanks Luke, you must have had a really great night because this is the second post you've made today (do telecom's engineers have nothing else to do (-:)  Also, we have received loads of photos via email to webmaster@whitburn-school-reunion.co.uk and I have a "large" limit. Kev Cuthbert send 8.4Mb of photos and Paul Curry sent 6.8Mb so less of the posts and get sorting your email out so we can have more photos. Seriously, make a post when you like but there is nothing wrong with my mailbox.

Thanks! Comment: I knew the reunion was on but work prevented me from coming along I'm afraid! I hope everyone had a good night and I hope to see you all soon. Cant believe I didn't recognise Mick Moody, his horse is in the field behind our house! Thought he looked familiar SORRY MICK! Where is Pete McGrowther (spelt wrong I am sure)? Well done to you all for organising the event and hope to see u all around. Steve Nicholaidis aka Nick (the Greek) [09/05/06].
Reply: Thanks Nick. "Nick the Greek" reminds me of the characters that used to be in Minder on TV in the 80's. One was called "George the Cypriot" - in fact, was there not a "Nick the Greek?"... anyway - look forward to that beer in a few weeks time and the gossip about our good friend "what time is the bus dew". To view our minder tribute page click here.

Thanks! Comment: Hi just to say what a great night saturday was and I am so pleased I decided to tag along, my husband also thought it was an excellent night. The netball photograph which asks it this our year is actually 1984 school leavers as my sister Wendy Mellish is the GS. Helen Mellish [10/05/06].
Reply: Thanks Helen - we were pleased that people who had not bought a ticket in advance came as that made the night much more interesting. I'll update the info on the page you mention soon. Stay in touch.

Thanks! Comment: Been following your site for ages now and think it's fab! Was waiting to see lots of pictures of my old teachers at the reunion and only 5 turned up!! What happened?? Was getting really excited to see my old Maths teacher Mr Clark and he wasn't there!? Also, now the reunion has happened what happens next? Anon [10/05/06].
Reply: There were many reasons why only a few teachers came to the reunion, however, we are really pleased that the five who did were such prominent teachers during our time at Whitburn Comp. As for this website, it will stay operational and no doubt grow over time. We have an extensive mailing list and hope to arrange other "get together's" over the coming months and years. Let me know who you are and I'll add you to the mailing list (which is confidential and not generally available). Stay in touch.

NEW FOR 2007

Thanks! Comment: Hi everyone, I didn't come to the reeunion but I was talking to Claire Wilson today and she told me about the website. It's great looking back and having the memories flood back although its embarassing seeing me with a skinhead. I recognised some of the girls now but most of the lads have changed so much. I wonder how many of you would recognise me now??? Lynn Gorman. [04/06/07].
Reply: Thanks Lynn, youve made the first post this year but it's nice to see people are still talking about how great the reunion was. I was talking to Helen melish onlt last Friday and she weants to know when the next one is. Well... watch this space 'cos you never know...


come on - post a question!!!
(see below - it's easy...)